Comfort Keepers Proud to be Award Sponsor at the 42nd Annual Drive Safe Golf Classic

Golf for a good cause – this is exactly what the team from Comfort Keepers has plans for this weekend. On Saturday, May 9th five members of Comfort Keepers will tee-off for a great cause. The 42nd Annual Frontier Toyota/Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital “Drive Safe” Golf Classic is SCV Drive Safe Golf Classicbeing hosted at the beautiful Valencia Country Club and the members of Comfort Keepers will show up in support of this tournament.

The 2014 event raised over $335,000 to support the emergency and trauma services in the valley, which is a vital and lifesaving service for the residents of the area. Comfort Keepers understands how crucial these services are, which is why they are showing up in support of this event.

FrontierGolf13_1As Award Sponsors, Comfort Keepers is showing their support for the community and continued efforts of the teams that help take care of the senior residents. This support is necessary to ensure seniors, as well as other residents in the area, have access to the care and support they need.

The Golf Classic is set to take place this coming up Saturday and tee-time is at 8 a.m. Comfort Keepers encourages everyone in the area to come out and support this great cause.

Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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