Make Your Home Fall Proof for Seniors

senior fall safety santa claritaAccording to research from the Center for Disease Control, one in every three adults who are over the age of 65 fall every year. A fall may result in a large number of injuries from broken bones and bruises to severe head trauma or death. Preventing senior falls in your Santa Clarita home is essential.

The good news is that most falls are preventable. With the help of in home caregivers from Comfort Keepers, in home care service for seniors in Santa Clarita, you can make your home fall proof and safe, preventing potentially serious injuries.

Take These Steps to Ensure Senior Safety

  1. Educate yourself on their medications. There may be side effects or interactions that will cause issues with balance or dizziness.
  2. Make sure that your senior is getting exercise. Tai chi, water aerobics and walking are all ideal exercises for increasing coordination and balance.
  3. In addition to going to regular checkups, you need to also have your ears and your eyes checked by your doctor frequently. Hearing and vision issues may lead to an increased risk of tripping and then falling.
  4. Inspect your home for any type of tripping hazards. Remove these hazards, which may include shoes, boxes, cords and other items that may be in walkways. Be sure to secure any loose floorboards or throw rugs in order to prevent tripping. Use any frequently used items that are in upper cabinets to a lower shelf so that you do not have to climb on a ladder or step stool. Be sure that things that are used often are easy to reach at all times.
  5. Ensure that your home is well lit at all times. Add night lights to your hallway, bathrooms or bedrooms. Consider adding lamps to a bed side table and that you are able to easily reach light switches without being at risk of tripping.
  6. Add hand rails to both sides of your staircase. Other safety equipment that you may want to install includes tub or shower seats, raised toilet seats, or shower grab bars.

Call Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today so our professional caregivers can help you evaluate your home for any potential areas of trouble and ensure that you make it safe for your senior. Our in-home caregivers are available to help and make your life easier. Call for a free in home consultation or visit our website for a list of services.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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