Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita, CA Reveals Tell-Tale Signs You May Have a Heart Issue


Paying attention to your health at all ages is important; however, if you know someone that needs senior care in Santa Clarita, or believe that they should be given senior care and have refused it, it is extremely important that you understand the tell-tale symptoms and signs of a heart issue.


A heart problem can be the results of genes, or may be caused by environmental factors, including regular stress, the foods that are eaten and the amount of exercise that is done, or not done, on a consistent basis. While you will not be able to predict whether or not a person will actually have a heart attack or other type of major heart condition, there are steps that can be taken to try and prevent them. One of these steps is to be aware of the symptoms that may indicate that a senior individual may have some type of heart problem.


The following information will provide you with an overview of the most common symptoms that, when considered together, may indicate a possible heart problem. No matter if your loved one gets senior health care, or not, you need to ensure that you are aware of the symptoms they are experiencing and that they are forthcoming with their doctors, or you.


Chest Discomfort

This is the first symptom that a doctor will evaluate when they evaluate a patient’s risk factor for a heart attack. While you may have had some type of chest pain due to a number of different causes, an underlying cause may be a heart issue.



If your heart is having to work extremely hard to pump your blood through your body, and it is not moving as fast as it did in the past, this may lead to fatigue because your body is not receiving the proper amount of oxygen.



Another common symptom that your body and brain are not receiving the right amount of oxygen is dizziness or even a loss of consciousness.


Poor Appetite or Nausea

If your loved one is feeling nauseous and they are not showing other signs of the flu or a cold, then they may be having a heart attack, and this is the time you need to evaluate whether or not any other symptoms are present.


High Blood Pressure

Heart problems are also indicated by either too high or too low blood pressures.

The professional care givers at Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita can provide services to help you be aware of any symptoms that your senior loved one may be experiencing.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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