Physical Therapy for Arthritis and Senior Care Arthritis pain is one of the leading issues for the elderly in Santa Clarita. With the help of in-home care from Comfort Keepers, many elderly folks are able to continue living autonomously in their own homes. In addition...
Affordable In-Home Care in Santa Clarita
Searching for Affordable In-Home Care When researching affordable in-home care in Santa Clarita one of the things most people overlook is the quality of caregivers and training. When you’re bringing somebody into your home to take care of you or a loved one, it’s very...
Innovations That Extend Senior Life Expectancy in Santa Clarita
Innovations That Extend Senior Life Expectancy With modern medical advancements, more seniors are breaking health barriers and becoming centenarians. Comfort Keepers did some research and found some centenarian secrets that help them age so gracefully. Use these tips...
Helping Seniors During Allergy Season in Santa Clarita
Helping Seniors During Allergy Season Southern California is experiencing an unusually warm winter this year, causing the allergy season to come much sooner than the spring time. Allergies affect everyone, but certain age groups such as the elderly often have...
Cancer Drug May Also Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease for Santa Clarita Seniors
Cancer Drug May Also Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Comfort Keepers are experts on elderly care in Santa Clarita, and we are always doing our part in staying current with groundbreaking research on geriatrics. Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the most common diseases...
5 Signs Your Parent Needs Help at Home in Santa Clarita
How to Tell if Your Senior Parent Needs In-Home Care For most adult children, making sure that their parent is in getting the things they need is important. As a parent ages, the adult child may start to notice more and more warning signs that they need some in-home...
Who Will Care for My Senior Parent During Vacation Time in Santa Clarita
Who Will Care for My Senior Parent During Vacation Time? With spring and summer on the horizon, many families begin to plan their vacations. However, for those who are the primary caregiver for their senior parent or family member, this can prove to be a challenging...
This Smell Test Could be an Early Detection of Alzheimer’s in Santa Clarita Seniors
This Smell Test Could be an Early Detection of Alzheimer’s There is no question that Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating disease that makes seniors and their families feel helpless. It robs a person of their memories and their family of their presence. This is one...
Managing Life as a Santa Clarita Senior Caregiver
Managing Life as a Senior Caregiver Santa Clarita residents are hardworking and dedicated to their families, but sometimes the responsibility of caregiving for an elderly parent can present challenges to their everyday lives. Comfort Keepers are Santa Clarita’s expert...
The Dangers of Elderly Seniors and Cold Weather in Santa Clarita
The Dangers of Elderly Seniors in Cold Weather During the winter months, cold weather can make life a bit challenging for everyone, especially for Santa Clarita seniors. Slips and falls, hypothermia, and depression all become more prevalent as the temperature drops....