Foods that Help Seniors Overcome Sleeping Difficulties


If you are caring for an elderly loved one that has difficulty sleeping, trying to find the root of the problem when it comes to sleepless nights can be intimidating. As a caregiver, you know just how important it is for your loved one to have a long, restful night’s sleep, which is instrumental in maintaining good health. Although insomnia is a big problem, there are, luckily, some simple things that you can do to ensure that your loved one’s sleep gets back on track.


The fact is that the inability for a senior to sleep is much more than just a threat to their overall comfort, but can also lead to a number of health issues. For example, sleep deprivation may impair cognition and memory. While there are a number of medications that promote sleep, some of these medications carry the risk of having harmful or disruptive side-effects, negatively interacting with other medications your senior may be taking, or may not be intended for use over a long period of time.


The good news is, there are a number of other natural solutions that you can use to help your loved one return to a normal and restful sleep schedule–one such option is a change in diet. There are many foods that, when consumed, seem to have a calming effect that may help your senior get a better night’s rest.


Cherry Juice and Tart Cherries

These contain both antioxidants, as well as melatonin, which has been proven to aid the sleep and awake cycle. A recent study showed that seniors who received eight ounces of cherry juice twice daily saw a significant improvement in their ability to sleep.



Any food that contains carbohydrates, such as brown rice, corn, pasta, potatoes and bread, will assist tryptophan, aiding in the senior’s sleep response.



This also contains tryptophan, which will enhance the function of serotonin, a hormone that aids in sleep and relaxation.


Chamomile Tea

This is a type of non-caffeinated herbal tea that offers a calming effect.


Fortified Cereal

Cereal that is vitamin fortified helps to provide more nutrients, which can be lacking in many seniors diets, which includes B6. This vitamin helps the body make serotonin, which aids in sound sleep.


While adding these foods can be essential in helping your senior get more sleep, there are a number of other foods can actually rob them of their needed rest and which should be left out of your loved one’s diet.

Foods That Disrupt Sleep


Some foods that may be taking away from your senior loved one’s ability to sleep include:


  •         Spicy Foods
  •         Alcohol
  •         Caffeine
  •         Fatty Meals


When you take the initiative to add a few of the calming foods each day, and stay away from the ones on the avoid list, then you may find that your senior is able to sleep much more restfully. You can also ask your in-home care provider in Santa Clarita to adhere to these lists, in order to achieve the best sleep possible for your senior.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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