As a senior, do you know what it really means to feel old – or young for that matter? Do you feel as though you are aging? What does that mean to you? According to a recent study from the Administration of Aging, there were over 43.1 million people in the U.S. were over the age of 65 back in 2012. This means that one in every seven people, which likely includes a number of caregivers, are in this group. Here at Comfort Keepers, an in home care service for seniors in Santa Clarita, we have some suggestions for helping to keep yourself feeling young at heart no matter your age!
Do You Feel Old?
Age is just a number and aging is just a state of mind – or so you have been told. After all, you are just as old as you feel, right? At what age do you think a person is actually considered old? In reference to AARP, everyone is considered a senior citizen once they reach the age of 50. Interestingly enough, it has been found that some older people actually feel young. In reference to a report from the Pew Research Center, as a person ages, they actually feel younger. In most cases, people do not feel their actual age.
The Many Advantages of Old Age
Despite the fact that you will facing more and more challenges as you age–such as the inability to drive alone, financial issues, depression, memory loss and other problems–there are a number of advantages to this to growing older as well.
One of the greatest pleasures for people as they grow old is their ability to spend more and more time with their family (especially their grandchildren). Seniors also find that they have much more time to participate in hobbies they enjoy. Older individuals have also been reported to have more freedom to complete volunteer work and travel, which they were unable to do when they had to work full-time.
What Affects How Young You Feel?
Everyone is influenced by various things each and every day, and you may have good days and bad days. While you should keep this in mind, also consider that it is truly mind over matter comes into play when you consider how young – or how old – you actually feel.
If you would like to feel younger, there are some common issues that may cause you to feel older that you can try to counteract or resolve. These issues include conflict, uncontrolled medical conditions, illness, depression, grief, a loss of your mobility, financial issues, fatigue, stress, wrinkles, and the negative perspective that your good years are behind you.
The age that you feel is based on your own perception. When you have aches that are associated with aging, choosing to take care of them with proper medical care is a proactive way to put more life into your years.
The fact is that no matter what you age is, you need to live it to the fullest. There is no question that you can make the effort to put lots of life into your years – no matter how many, or how few they may be. Some ways that you can do this include staying active, setting goals for the future, and appreciating what you do have.
If you need help in your senior years, you can call on the services of Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita. They offer assistance and companionship, which can help you make even more out of each day.
Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321