Helping Seniors During Allergy Season

sick senior woman blowing nose to paper napkinSouthern California is experiencing an unusually warm winter this year, causing the allergy season to come much sooner than the spring time. Allergies affect everyone, but certain age groups such as the elderly often have additional factors that complicate their ability to cope with symptoms. Comfort Keepers the expert on Santa Clarita senior care, and we have some tips to help caregivers assist with seniors and allergy season.

Warning Signs to Look For

Santa Clarita families should look for the tall-tale signs of allergies. When senior family members have itchy eyes, a runny nose, and frequent sneezing, there is a high likelihood of seasonal allergies being the source of the symptoms. It is important to remember that allergies affect the elderly, just as they affect people of any other age.

Often times, it is difficult for a doctor to diagnose allergies in the elderly because they tend to focus on larger health issues. Due to the fact that the elderly often have chronic health problems, it can be challenging for a doctor to separate the symptoms and pinpoint allergies as the cause. Santa Clarita in-home caregivers should certainly monitor reoccurring symptoms and proactively tell the physicians any concerns they may have.

Why is Allergies Dangerous for the Elderly?

Although allergies don’t discriminate between the young and old, the physical impact of allergies is far greater on the lives and health of the elderly. Something simple like a stuffy nose or throat irritation may be extremely dangerous to a senior who has pre-existing cardiovascular problems. Caregivers must take an aggressive approach to treatment, so that their symptoms don’t trigger additional health concerns.

Medications May Have Side Effects in Seniors

Typically, traditional antihistamines are not the best drug choice for the elderly. Side effects like confusion, drowsiness, urinary retention, dry mouth, and dizziness are much more likely to arise when the elderly use them. Additionally, the use of these antihistamines with the other drugs that the elderly is prescribed may be a very dangerous combination.

Comfort Keepers recommends that Santa Clarita families and caregivers keep a close eye on allergy symptoms that their elderly love ones have this year. We will do our part to keep the community informed on the most up to date research and treatment available, because the comfort and safety of Santa Clarita seniors is our priority.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321


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